Romans 5:7-9

For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die—but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"Why I believe in God" by Cornelius Van Til

Below is a quote from Cornelius Van Til's, "Why I Believe in God", which was published by Westminster Theological Seminary, and he was a part of the conservative group that founded the institution, and at which he served God along side such men as J. G. Machen. He was a Dutch Reformed theologian and possibly on of the greatest philosophical minds of the last 100 years. He lived from May 3, 1895 - April 17, 1987.

"I must make an apology to you at this point. We who believe in God have not always made this position plain. Often enough we have talked with you about facts and sound reasons as though we agreed with you on what these really are. In our arguments for the existence of God we have frequently assumed that you and we together have an area of knowledge on which we agree. But we really do not grant that you see any fact in any dimension of life truly. We really think you have colored glasses on your nose when you talk about chickens and cows, as well as when you talk about the life hereafter. We should have told you this more plainly than we did. But we were really a little ashamed of what would appear to you as a very odd or extreme position. We were so anxious not to offend you that we offended our own God. But we dare no longer present our God to you as smaller or less exacting than He really is. He wants to be presented as the All-Conditioner, as the emplacement on which even those who deny Him must stand."

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