After discussing Romans 9-11 and presenting the comments of several scholars, I feel it is time to briefly discuss the differences between the three primary eschatological systems highlighted in the title of this series.
What is Pre-Millennialism?
Millennial Timing:
The prefix "pre" in the name of this eschatological outworking of the dispensational system is really quite descriptive. This system teaches that Christ will return bodily prior to the beginning of the "Millennium" or the "Millennial Kingdom" which is represented by the reign of Christ on Earth.
Millennial Nature:
Christ will rule creation from the literal, earthly throne of David in Jerusalem. The Mosaic system of civil and ceremonial Law with all its rituals and customs will be reinstituted (feasts and sacrifices alike) and one's membership in the Kingdom of God will be granted based on ones "Jewishness" or one's adherence to the codes of Judaism in what will be considered the perfect application of this system under Christ as Head, contrasting it with the abuses and negligence with which it was practiced prior to Christ's incarnation.
What is Post-Millennialism?
Millennial Timing:
The prefix "post" in the name of this eschatological outworking of the system of Covenant Theology is also quite descriptive. This system teaches that Christ will return bodily at the end of the "Millennium" or the "Millennial Kingdom" and reign of Christ from His Heavenly throne.
Millennial Nature:
Though this system regards Christ as having ruled over His creation all along (from David's throne, the throne of God upon which Solomon sat, which is in Heaven, and whose temporal shadow or type sat in the Temple in Jerusalem) creation has not yet been made His footstool in the sense that, not yet has "every knee bowed and every tongue confessed that Jesus is LORD". So, near the end of the age (this present age which is the "Millennium" realized) the great commission will be fulfilled and the Kingdom of God represented by the invisible Church will have gradually been given political/economic/temporal reign over the Earth. So, in what some refer to as a "Golden Age", Christ will use His Church to reform culture through the redemption of individuals who influence their immediate environment. Membership in the Kingdom of God has been and will always be determined by God's election of, and application of Christ's righteousness to, an individual so that He can consider them just on account of Christ's obedience to the Covenant of Works. At His return comes the resurrection, and He will judge the godless and glorify the redeemed.
What is A-Millennialism?
Millennial Timing:
The prefix "A" in the name of this eschatological outworking of the system of Covenant Theology really is terribly misleading. It has been the perennial apology of dispensationalists against amillennialists that they do not believe that there is a millennium, but this just simply isn't the case. This system teaches that Christ will return bodily at the end of the "Millennium" or the "Millennial Kingdom" to consummate it; The Millennium is now.
Millennial Nature:
Though this system regards Christ as having ruled over His creation all along (from David's throne, the throne of God upon which Solomon sat, which is in Heaven, and whose temporal shadow or type sat in the Temple in Jerusalem) creation has not yet been made His footstool in the sense that not yet has "every knee bowed and every tongue confessed that Jesus is LORD". So, near the end of the age (this present age which is the "Millennium" realized) many believe that the the great commission will be fulfilled and the Kingdom of God represented by the invisible Church will endure the final, great tribulational period near the end of the age, immediately prior to Christs' return. "Realized" Millennialism understands that the Kingdom of God was inaugurated on Earth at Christ's resurrection and will be fully consummate at His return. Its chronological advancement during this age is represented in scripture as the coming of the Millennial Kingdom and is often divided into two parts: the "already and the not yet"; Christ has already brought His Kingdom into existence in time, at His first coming it began and it continues to unfold as the influence of the Kingdom spreads through His creation by way of the individuals God has redeemed. Membership in the Kingdom of God has been and will always be determined by God's election of, and application of Christ's righteousness to, an individual so that He can consider them just on account of Christ's obedience to the Covenant of Works. At His return comes the resurrection, and He will judge the godless and glorify the redeemed. Unlike Post-Millennialism, this age will not culminate in a "Golden Christian Age" prior to Christ's return, but the Kingdom's advancement is building up to Christ's return, and the golden age will be the eternal state. So the primary and essential difference in Realized and Post Millennialism is in the nature of the Millennium itself. It's timing in the two systems is the same.
What is Pre-Millennialism?
Millennial Timing:
The prefix "pre" in the name of this eschatological outworking of the dispensational system is really quite descriptive. This system teaches that Christ will return bodily prior to the beginning of the "Millennium" or the "Millennial Kingdom" which is represented by the reign of Christ on Earth.
Millennial Nature:
Christ will rule creation from the literal, earthly throne of David in Jerusalem. The Mosaic system of civil and ceremonial Law with all its rituals and customs will be reinstituted (feasts and sacrifices alike) and one's membership in the Kingdom of God will be granted based on ones "Jewishness" or one's adherence to the codes of Judaism in what will be considered the perfect application of this system under Christ as Head, contrasting it with the abuses and negligence with which it was practiced prior to Christ's incarnation.
What is Post-Millennialism?
Millennial Timing:
The prefix "post" in the name of this eschatological outworking of the system of Covenant Theology is also quite descriptive. This system teaches that Christ will return bodily at the end of the "Millennium" or the "Millennial Kingdom" and reign of Christ from His Heavenly throne.
Millennial Nature:
Though this system regards Christ as having ruled over His creation all along (from David's throne, the throne of God upon which Solomon sat, which is in Heaven, and whose temporal shadow or type sat in the Temple in Jerusalem) creation has not yet been made His footstool in the sense that, not yet has "every knee bowed and every tongue confessed that Jesus is LORD". So, near the end of the age (this present age which is the "Millennium" realized) the great commission will be fulfilled and the Kingdom of God represented by the invisible Church will have gradually been given political/economic/temporal reign over the Earth. So, in what some refer to as a "Golden Age", Christ will use His Church to reform culture through the redemption of individuals who influence their immediate environment. Membership in the Kingdom of God has been and will always be determined by God's election of, and application of Christ's righteousness to, an individual so that He can consider them just on account of Christ's obedience to the Covenant of Works. At His return comes the resurrection, and He will judge the godless and glorify the redeemed.
What is A-Millennialism?
Millennial Timing:
The prefix "A" in the name of this eschatological outworking of the system of Covenant Theology really is terribly misleading. It has been the perennial apology of dispensationalists against amillennialists that they do not believe that there is a millennium, but this just simply isn't the case. This system teaches that Christ will return bodily at the end of the "Millennium" or the "Millennial Kingdom" to consummate it; The Millennium is now.
Millennial Nature:
Though this system regards Christ as having ruled over His creation all along (from David's throne, the throne of God upon which Solomon sat, which is in Heaven, and whose temporal shadow or type sat in the Temple in Jerusalem) creation has not yet been made His footstool in the sense that not yet has "every knee bowed and every tongue confessed that Jesus is LORD". So, near the end of the age (this present age which is the "Millennium" realized) many believe that the the great commission will be fulfilled and the Kingdom of God represented by the invisible Church will endure the final, great tribulational period near the end of the age, immediately prior to Christs' return. "Realized" Millennialism understands that the Kingdom of God was inaugurated on Earth at Christ's resurrection and will be fully consummate at His return. Its chronological advancement during this age is represented in scripture as the coming of the Millennial Kingdom and is often divided into two parts: the "already and the not yet"; Christ has already brought His Kingdom into existence in time, at His first coming it began and it continues to unfold as the influence of the Kingdom spreads through His creation by way of the individuals God has redeemed. Membership in the Kingdom of God has been and will always be determined by God's election of, and application of Christ's righteousness to, an individual so that He can consider them just on account of Christ's obedience to the Covenant of Works. At His return comes the resurrection, and He will judge the godless and glorify the redeemed. Unlike Post-Millennialism, this age will not culminate in a "Golden Christian Age" prior to Christ's return, but the Kingdom's advancement is building up to Christ's return, and the golden age will be the eternal state. So the primary and essential difference in Realized and Post Millennialism is in the nature of the Millennium itself. It's timing in the two systems is the same.
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